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Invitation for Fundraising Event by Karen Community Association - Sheffield

Dear Friends,

We the Karen Community Association (KCA) would like to invite you all to a fund-raising event on 20th March 2010.

In April 2005 the Karen Community Association UK was started by Karen people, who had previously fled from persecution and oppression by the Burmese regime because of their beliefs, ethnicity and political practice.

During February this year we heard news about the repatriation of 3,000 ethnic Karen refugees, who were forced to flee into Thailand in June 2009. The refugees have been kept in squalid conditions in two temporary camps, Nong Bua, (also called No Bu), and Mae U Su, in Tha Song Yang close to the Thailand-Burma border. On February 5th, 13 people were sent back into Burma before the UNHCR and other NGO’s arrived. Now the Royal Thai Government and local and military representatives have officially stated that they will not force people to return.

We the KCA-UK members are very concerned about our people. We also recently received the news about increased attacks taking place in Eastern Burma Karen State. Over 70 houses and two schools have been burnt down and thousands of civilians displaced.

Because we understand these situations first hand, we would like to help the Karen people of Burma by holding a fundraising event. From the funds we raise, 80% will go straight to helping the displaced inside Burma and 20% will help to fund our KCA activities.

The event programme will include a welcome from our community leader as well as other speakers including the Burma Campaign UK member and performances from our youth and children. Then a very delicious Karen and Burmese food buffet will be available (vegetarians and Halal food will be served).

Date: Saturday 20th March 2010
Time: 12:00 pm - Onwards
Venue: Cemetery Road Baptist Church, 11 Napier Street, Sheffield S11 8HA

The fee for each person is £10; soft-drinks and coffee are free.

Please let us know if you are able to join us (with any special dietary requirements) by the 18th March.

Mr Win Cho Toe
Tel: 07886335142.

Mrs Htoo Ku Hsar Say
Tel: 07940522425

Thank you for your support.

Yours Faithfully,

Mrs Htoo Ku Hsar Say
Chairperson KCA Sheffield

If you would like to donate directly into our bank account, the details are:
Karen Community Association, Sort code: 40 41 07, Account No: 62146770


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