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How to download and play YouTUBE video

If you want to download video from youtube, just do the following steps.
  1. find the URL of your favorite Youtube video
  2. go to one of the following sites
  1. paste the video URL into their download box
  2. click "Download" button
To Play YouTube Movie in your computer
Top/Best YouTube Video Sites

Beon4U (VideoBox)

You can look for and see videos from YouTube and Google Video directly on your desktop. You only need to write down the "keyword" in the widget and to push the 'magnifying glass' button to start the search. Videobox will return a video list where you will see for each video a still, its title, its description, and 'tags' (in the case of videos from YouTube). This is a really fantastic tool I've never seen before.

If you are a Firefox fans, you can use the Video Downloader extension that allows you to download videos to your computer from YouTube and most video sites. That's all about downloading and playing youtube video as far as I know. If I missed anything, please kindly suggest it in the comments. Thanks smile

Tips: If you have a low speed internet connection, you can press the pause button and wait till the whole movie part downloads so that you can watch it smoothly. Have fun biggrin


  1. Anonymous9:19 am

    good info..thanks for your info here..

    i'm really appreciate it..ooohh..i'm trying to solve my problem & i got this solution here..thanks

    i think i would like to make a permanent link and pointing that to your blog about this posting..

    thanks very well

  2. welcome nuaim :)
    I also thz: you for your comments and add my link in your blog :)

  3. Anonymous2:31 am

    i dun know why, i just couldn't download Video Downloader.
    Perhaps my internal pc problem.
    I used to download youtube video with VideoGet.

  4. hay.. don't use videoget it's not good. I used b4.
    use online downloader likes savetube :)

  5. he..he..
    i dun know. b4, VideoGet. But it is nice to see it.
    i will try.
    just for now.. i am using httpwatch and download manager to download video from YouTube as flv file.
    hae..hae.. may be this is a dummy way to download from YouTube

  6. Anonymous3:37 am

    Thanks 4 this post.. =)

  7. Anonymous3:04 am

    hi bro, also work well. I write abt this site at my blog. here is the link.
    Thanks for your links, bro.
    forgetme(sharing to frds.)


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