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Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro 4.0 Build 1007591.145

Best-in-class ID-theft protection

Outpost Firewall Pro will detect and prevent (using the most effective data leak prevention technology available) malicious applications from trying to transmit data out of your PC. The security of that information is assured.

Advanced protection against network attacks
Outpost Firewall Pro detects and prevents any attempted hack attacks from outside the network.

360-degree protection against spyware
Outpost Firewall Pro detects all attempts by spyware to activate; instead, spyware is instantly removed from the PC.

Automatic detection and configuration updates for optimum security
With Outpost 4.0 you receive ImproveNet updates for the whole license period that include secure firewall settings and rules - meaning with ImproveNet you will get much less prompts from the firewall as it will be always up-to-date when it comes to deciding what to do.

Self-protection against malicious software
Outpost Firewall Pro protects itself from being terminated by malware.


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